Tuesday, August 30, 2011

5 Day/ 5 Canvases Art Challenge

I meant to start this yesterday but I got side tracked. (Dentist)

I decided to start giving myself a weekly challenge in the studio. I didn't think I'm up for a big long one like in http://makesomething365.blogspot.com/. So I'm going to do something small and manageable to start.

My first is going to be small canvases: 8” by 10”. I only have to make 5 as I don't usually work in the studio on weekends (family time). But if I can I'll do more. But no pressure.

This being the second day I have two to show you today.

This first one I rather like. Turned out better then I thought when I started. It's acrylic paint, alcohol inks, water soluble oil pastels and collage.

When I'm working I leave bits of water color paper near by and I use it to check colors before I use them in a piece or stamp on them first to weaken the ink before I use them. Try out pens, etc. So they become an interesting hodge podge of colors and textures.

I tore one of these up and clued it in about the third layer of painting then continued with washing with acrylics and added some water soluable oil pastels.

This second one I went in a totally different direction. A farm stand near here sells the most beautiful Sunflowers and I got two bunches and put them in a crock and brought them up to the studio and painted them. I paint and draw a lot of flowers in this style; more often water colors and people like them a lot. I call them my cutesy paintings. :) I use them for individual greeting cards for people too. This is the first time I tried it with acrylic paint. Highlighted with india ink pens.

So... there you have the first two days of my challenge. It's a great way to kick start your creativity. The only rules I made are I have to do one a day and I can't fuss over them. No Thinking; just Doing. One can fuss over other projects.

We'll see what tomorrow brings :)

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